So I tried to sell her in on the idea of outsourcing cleaning services and I could tell that if it was up to her she would have hired us on the spot, but with a low tone she asked, but how do I convince my boss on the importance of outsourcing cleaning services?
To answer this question, I had to put myself in the shoes of her boss, being a business owner, what are his/her objectives? What value can we offer to aid him in achieving his objectives? Below are some of the ways,
You get to save a lot of money when you employ the services of a commercial office cleaning company, through protecting and extending the life of assets such as flooring, furniture and fixtures wall covering etc with proper maintenance, you can get a prolonged useful life of these assets that are costly to replace. Likewise, items like cleaning products and toiletries are usually cheaper to purchase through a commercial office cleaning company because they purchase in bulk. Along the same lines, when you employ the services of a professional office cleaning company, they and not you are responsible for the purchase and maintenance of cleaning equipment. That means there is one less thing for you to buy and maintain saving you more money. In addition to this we At Arrow FM, provide you with a functional resource sharing platform whereby you get to pay for only what you use, by this I mean, we distribute our resources across many organizations to ensure that you enjoy quality services at a low cost.
- Effective resource allocation
Employee training, equipment maintenance and new equipment purchases all go into negatively impacting company productivity. Our objective is to provide all of the resources your employees need to remain as productive as possible. When you choose to outsource, your staff will be able to focus on their core roles and we will take care of hiring, training and equipping our cleaners to ensure that they provide value for your money.
- Excellent Customer Service
Good customer service helps you retain clients and generate repeat revenue. Keeping your customers happy should be a primary objective of your organization. Customers will judge you by the work environment you keep when touring your facility. When your office portrays a subpar office environment they will end up talking and they will most likely not say positive things or recommending your service or referring prospective customers. To build and maintain a great image and reputation, you cannot ignore important details like having a clean and well maintained office.
- Employee Attraction and Retention
A less than clean workplace can really weigh on employee morale. Think about how coming into a dirty workplace might make an employee feel about your commitment to them and your organization. An unkempt office is demotivating and actually hampers the quality of work. Likewise, when you dump cleaning duties on an employee hired for other work, you will get two predictable outcomes. First, the work is likely to go undone until the state of your office gets worse and worse. Second, if any of the work of cleaning actually gets done, that employee is not going to be happy and will likely seek other employment in time. A clean office improves morale by showing your people you are vested in your organization.
- Mission-driven Core Values
Your company mission statement is a description of the core values of your company. It is a summary of the beliefs your company holds in regard to customer interaction, responsibility to the community and employee satisfaction. The company’s core values become the objectives necessary to create a positive corporate culture.
Managing the cleaning can be a real distraction for most companies. Unless running a commercial cleaning service is on your bucket list, leave the dirty work of cleaning to the professionals and concentrate on doing work that directly contributes to your company’s bottom line.